Glasgow Kiltwalk – Sun. 26th September: After several virtual – ie decentralised – events due to Covid, the first real-life, centralised Kiltwalk for two years is now just three weeks away. There will still be Covid precautions and adjustments, but it should nevertheless be completely recognisable as a “proper” Kiltwalk. As is now normal, all donations (up to £5000) will be automatically topped up by 50% thanks to the generosity of the Hunter Foundation.
NMSMF has registered a team which can be found at bit.ly/KWMSM21 which will then take you to the pages of individual walkers where donations can be made.
If you go to bit.ly/KWreg21 you can sign up to take part for either of the distances offered, and automatically be allocated to the Mandela Marchers team. There are only two distances this time rather than three, one of the Covid adjustments. The options are 3.5 miles (Glasgow Green to Riverside Museum) or 16.5 miles (Glasgow to Dumbarton).
Many thanks to all who have contributed in any way to the NMSMF, both this year and/or earlier. We don’t expect anyone to contribute to every event we hold, but are grateful to all who donate as and when they are able. It is a great many modest contributions and a few quite substantial ones that have all been essential in bringing us this close to the launch of the statue competition.