Category: Video
Video: 35th anniversary of naming Nelson Mandela Place
On Wednesday 16 June we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of the naming of Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow. We ...
Short video about statue and education campaign
A short video about the campaign to build a statue of Nelson Mandela in Nelson Mandela Place Glasgow along with ...
9 Oct 1993 video: The day Mandela told Glasgow ‘We love you all’
Twenty-seven years ago on 9 October 1993 Nelson Mandela danced in Glasgow’s George Square and told the Scottish people “You ...
Virtual celebration on UN Nelson Mandela Day in drive for a Scottish people’s statue
Sadly Andrew Mlangeni, our patron and last surviving Rivonia trialist, died on 22 July 2020 after this video was ...
Denis Goldberg memorial from Ashleigh da Silva on Vimeo
Denis Goldberg memorial from Ashleigh da Silva on Vimeo. Denis Goldberg was a patron of the Nelson Mandela Scottish ...
South African youth choir that sang in Glasgow celebrates Springboks
At the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014, the choir sang Shosholoza to celebrate being in the first city in ...
Sir Alex Ferguson backs Mandela Scottish campaign
This short video covers the words of Sir Alex Ferguson at the launch of the Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial campaign ...
Billy Connolly backs Scottish Mandela statue appeal
This short video covers the words of Billy Connolly in his message after agreeing to be a patron of the ...
New Mandela Scottish Memorial Campaign video
This short video covers the launch of the campaign, clips of Nelson Mandela and where to donate. It is designed ...
Sir Alex Ferguson launches campaign (Freedom TV)
Sir Alex Ferguson helped launch the campaign to build a statue of Nelson Mandela in Glasgow yesterday; the group ...